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sennheiser headphones vulnerability

Sennheiser headphone bug highlights certificate vulnerability

A recent vulnerability in Sennheiser’s headphone management utility illustrates the risk of unexpected additions to the Microsoft windows certificate store. During installation, the Sennheiser software installed a self-signed root certificate into the computer’s trusted root CA certificate store. A copy of the certificates’ private key was also copied into application’s installation directory.  Security research firm …

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meltdown spectre vulnerability

Meltdown and Spectre – it’s not over yet!

Meltdown and Spectre are a family of security attacks that operate at the hardware-level of modern processors. Some of the attack variants have supposedly been mitigated by microcode and BIOS patches issued by the processor vendors; however, new research published by Cornell University reveals several new attack vectors and the report suggests that the previously-issued …

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Mirai Botnet Grows Up

The Mirai malware which infects Linux-based IoT devices to form large-scale DDoS botnets has recently been discovered infecting commercial-grade Linux servers, according to a recent report from Netscout. Commercially-hosted linux servers have significantly more network bandwidth and could be used to launch far more damaging Denial-of-Service (Dos) attacks against other Internet-based hosts. Exploiting a vulnerability …

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Microsoft office memory corruption

Microsoft Office Memory Corruption Vulnerability (CVE-2017-11826)

This week, we saw a new vulnerability surface which affects users of all currently supported Microsoft Office applications. Security researchers at Qihoo 360 Core Security first detected the vulnerability being exploited ‘in-the-wild’ on 28th September, 2017. In a blog post on 10th October, 2017, a representative for Qihoo wrote “The attack only targeted limited customers. The …

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Windows DNSAPI vulnerability

Windows DNSAPI Remote Code Execution Vulnerability (CVE-2017-11779)

In this week’s Patch Tuesday update (dated 10th October, 2017), Microsoft have released patch for a vulnerability which affects multiple versions of the Windows operating system and could allow an attacker to execute arbitrary code through specially-crafted DNS responses. The CVE-2017-11779 vulnerability was discovered by Nick Freeman (a security researcher at BishopFox), who identified the …

Windows DNSAPI Remote Code Execution Vulnerability (CVE-2017-11779) Read More »

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