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cyber security news

Microsoft releases emergency patch for PrintNightmare

Microsoft has released an emergency patch that addresses the remote code execution vulnerability in the Windows Print Spooler, known as the PrintNightmare. According to Microsoft in their security advisory: A remote code execution vulnerability exists when the Windows Print Spooler service improperly performs privileged file operations. An attacker who successfully exploited this vulnerability could run […]

Microsoft releases emergency patch for PrintNightmare Read More »

Microsoft and Adobe release patches for zero day vulnerabilities

May Patch Tuesday sees four critical vulnerabilities patched by Microsoft and Adobe ships a fix for an Acrobat Reader zero-day that is under attack in the wild. Microsoft Patch Tuesday May 2021 55 vulnerabilities, 4 critical, are resolved in the May security patch bundle from Microsoft.  Of particular note are: CVE-2021-31166 which is a Windows

Microsoft and Adobe release patches for zero day vulnerabilities Read More »


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