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Information Assurance

Lessons from 2020 Payment Security Report

In their tenth annual Payment Security Report, Verizon reveals the security trends affecting businesses that seek PCI-DSS compliance and cybersecurity lessons applicable to all organisations. This year’s 140 page Payment Security Report from Verizon focuses on the role and challenges of the CISO and how this relates to the performance and security of businesses in […]

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SolarWinds and Solarigate Hacks Explained

Described as the most sophisticated hack ever – what is the SolarWinds hack and how might it affect your business? SolarWinds provides network monitoring software to thousands of large enterprises and government departments.  One of the SolarWinds products, called Orion, was compromised in a supply chain attack, and was then used to deliver Solarigate malware

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What is file integrity monitoring?

File Integrity Monitoring systems generate alerts when intruders make unexpected changes to the files on your servers – either by changing existing files or creating new ones. Robust cybersecurity can be most effectively achieved by adopting a ‘defence in depth’ approach.  This means deploying several layers of protection, using different technologies so that the overlapping

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The Top 10 vulnerabilities being exploited today

The NSA (National Security Agency) recently published a security advisory about the publicly known vulnerabilities currently being exploited by Chinese state-sponsored actors. While this security advisory is focused on the activities of state-sponsored actors, it does show the threats and vulnerabilities considered most useful for exploitation. Taking a quick look at the list could provide

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What is Security Awareness Training

Security Awareness Training is an essential component of any organisation’s information security. Even though it is mandated by frameworks such as PCI-DSS or ISO 27001, Security Awareness Training should be more than just a compliance exercise.  A good security awareness training programme will drive changes in behaviour amongst staff, suppliers and customers that will improve

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