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cloud storage

Does your organisations data lurk in the shadows?

“Shadow IT” (also known as “Stealth IT”, “Client IT” or “What have those eejits in marketing done now?”) is the term used to describe IT systems which are developed and owned by business teams outside of the control or jurisdiction of an organisation’s IT department.  Usually initiated with pure intentions, these systems can pose a […]

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software updates

Security Patching – The Stuff of Sys Admin Nightmares

Security updates and patches can literally be thing of nightmares for many Systems Administrators. To patch or not to patch – that is always the question. From a security perspective, security patches should always be applied to increase the organisation’s resilience to hackers and malware, but with many organisations lacking IT resources and having ever-decreasing

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What are the security improvements of WPA3 ?

The Wi-Fi Alliance (WFA) — the body responsible for creating the encryption standard used by billions of wireless Wi-Fi products worldwide — announced in January 2018 some significant improvements to its security protocol Wi-Fi Protected Access II (WPA2). In a much-anticipated move, the Wi-Fi Alliance also announced WPA3. The new protocol is designed to work alongside

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stay safe from phishing emails

10 Ways to Protect Yourself from Phishing Attacks

Email-based phishing attacks continue to soar at an all-time high. According to the State of the Phish™ Report 2018 by Wombat Security, it was reported that 76% of information security professionals had experienced phishing attacks against their organisations in 2017. As businesses and individuals, we continue to be plagued by phishing emails, which in some

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safe and secure browser cookies

How to make the perfect cookies

Browser cookies play an important role in nearly all modern websites and applications. From tracking user-interaction through services like Google Analytics, through to maintaining the state of customer shopping carts in eCommerce applications. Cookies can also contain session tokens for web applications to ensure that user sessions are maintained between browser page refreshes. Although security

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